Sorry to say, I'm INTJ and judging the way one article writer laid the characteristics of an INTJ, it gave the impression that I belonged to a personality type that's quite uncommon. [I would like to think so, lol. I do want to be uncommon. In a nice way.]
Therefore I conclude: I am hard to understand. Bang!
Less than 1% are women of the 3% of the population. Another bang! For a major part of it, me thinks I exhibit these traits:
Not huggy feely-- yeah right. Team building thing is kinda considered nonsense activity. Hmm, I see, I see.
Thinker. Right. You can talk and talk for hours, I can think endlessly and dislike small talk. Talking, for me, is not 100% communicating. Check.
Brutally honest. Oh, then why do I have to give a buttered up reply when my real opinion is errrr, needed. Truth hurts, sorry...
Quiet. Check. But not shy. It means I'm introverted, and things are happening inside my head. Tee-hee no, not voices. Theories, ideas, lots of them.
Afraid of nothing. Ei, thanks for the impression, but I do get afraid. Just not so often.
Intensely private. Sure. I am guardian of The Secret and that secret is buried.
Distant. One high bummer trait I noticed is my inability to factor feelings, mine or others. Message to me self: soften tougher personality areas and be more emphatic.
Most of the time, they get rubbed the wrong way with my confidence. Why oh why again should they get offended with a confident female. But shhh, I really can't stand insecure people. Be confident & gain my respect. Definitely. Check.
I'm just a regular person with a unique personality just like the rest. Now if they don't understand me, I should say, I am simply natural and they are surely very limited.