
In The Commonplace Dwell Incredible Things

"Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God."
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

"And I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles."
Anne Frank

Living in the present means that we see the world in the eyes of a child.
Appreciate the holy in ordinary things, see The Lord's presence in everywhere.

Listening to--

the wind with the rustling of leaves,
cheerful sound of birds.


the softness of grass while barefoot
raindrops on my face
a kid's hand in mine.


an anthill.
a hen hatching eggs.
roses finally blooming.
the moonlight.
a starry sky.


Walking in the rain.
Fresh laundry.
A cup of coffee.
Chat with people you love.
Making a sick person happy.

It's simple to find the beauty of life. Live with eyes open.

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